Delay now for a successful future

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Welcome to the home of the Erasmus+ project, "Delay Now for a Successful Future". This project focuses on one of the most pressing issues in modern education: the instant gratification mindset in young students. Our mission is to provide educators with innovative tools and methodologies to instil the values of patience, self-control, and delayed gratification in students, fostering long-term educational outcomes and positive behaviour.

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Our key objectives include:

  • Developing a Delayed Gratification Training for educators that combines various character development skills and methodologies.
  • Encouraging students to focus on long-term success through teaching self-discipline and self-control.
  • Building a network of educators across Europe committed to fostering patience and resilience in young learners.

Booklet of good practices:


"Delay Now for a Successful Future" is an Erasmus+ initiative aimed at mitigating the trend of instant gratification in students, enabling them to gain higher academic and personal achievements. We seek to foster a learning environment that encourages patience, persistence, and delayed gratification, and equips teachers with the necessary tools and techniques.

In the digital age, instant gratification is increasingly prevalent, impacting students' self-discipline, motivation, and leading to potential public health concerns. By addressing these issues early on in primary education, we aim to guide our students towards successful academic and personal lives.



Development of Delayed Gratification Training for educators

We aim to provide a comprehensive training program, inclusive of supplementary materials that highlight good practices at an EU level and an analysis of the existing gaps in the field.


Promotion of self-discipline and self-control among students

We hope to encourage students to work towards long-term success by teaching them key skills such as self-control and discipline, using innovative strategies and techniques.


Fostering a network of dedicated educators across Europe

By creating a community of educators committed to this approach, we hope to instigate a broader change in the European education system, encouraging the adoption of these methods across the continent.


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Elementary School "Nikola Obretenov" (Bulgaria)

ESNO is an institution dedicated to cultivating perseverance and motivation among its students. After observing a drop in student performance over the last two years, they recognized a need to encourage their students to put in greater effort and to make learning more exciting and engaging. Through this project, ESNO teachers aim to gain the necessary knowledge to inspire perseverance in their students and guide them towards delayed gratification.

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Smart Idea (Slovenia)

SMART is an institution renowned for leading various workshops designed to foster motivation and perseverance in young people. Although they utilize real-life examples and motivational games, they acknowledge the necessity of developing a comprehensive persistence framework. This project represents a step forward for SMART, allowing them to enhance their training, boost long-term success, and enhance their international cooperation.

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Little Smiles (Bulgaria)

Little Smiles specializes in providing a range of extracurricular activities in kindergartens and primary schools. The ability to teach delayed gratification represents a crucial tool for their teachers, aiding them in developing essential skills in children. Through this project, Little Smiles seeks to boost their teachers' skills and offer high-quality early childhood education.

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OŠ Dragutina Tadijanovića Petrinja (Croatia)

OŠ DTP offers various extracurricular activities, focusing on implementing soft skills in different classes. They perceive teaching delayed gratification as a critical component of their program, aiming to guide their students towards higher school performance. International cooperation through this project allows them to enhance their teachers' skills and offer high-quality education.


Our methodology relies on applying multiple proven techniques and approaches for character development. Among these are:

  • The Grit Technique: A psychological trait based on an individual's perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a long-term goal.
  • Positive Psychology: We will integrate techniques from positive psychology to encourage students to focus on their strengths and virtues to foster a sense of satisfaction and happiness.
  • Trust Development Techniques: They are essential for fostering a productive relationship between teachers and students, leading to more effective teaching and learning experiences.

Our methodology and the techniques we use are grounded in extensive research. Numerous studies have highlighted the potential benefits of delayed gratification, self-control, and the development of resilience in young students. We aim to solve the challenges identified in our project objectives by integrating these findings with our innovative approaches.